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Fans Reveal Things In Football Matches That Are Annoying And It’s So Relatable

Fans Reveal Things In Football Matches That Are Annoying And It’s So Relatable

Fans around the world have revealed the things that annoy them the most in football matches. Grab a cuppa and enjoy reading these responses.

Adnan Riaz

Adnan Riaz

What are the most annoying things about watching football?

Honestly, that's a conversation any football fan has had before, during and after a match. That's not to mention brewing up the same heated conversation at the pub.

Obviously, social media is also the place where this conversation can happen.

The Daily Telegraph's Adam Hurrey posted the following tweet: "What tiny things about football matches irritate you and why? I don't mean diving, I mean things like players creeping slowly up the touchline while taking ages over a throw-in. Confess all."

Of course, the responses are brilliant.

You can check 'em out below.

What annoys you the most in a football match?

Let us know in the comments.

Featured Image Credit: PA

Topics: Football News, Football