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Paul Merson sends perfect reply to Tottenham fan making Arsenal dig after Man City win

Paul Merson sends perfect reply to Tottenham fan making Arsenal dig after Man City win

Tottenham Hotspur’s defeat by Manchester City dented rivals Arsenal’s Premier League charge.

Paul Merson had the perfect reply after a Tottenham Hotspur fan mocked Arsenal after the defeat against Manchester City.

Reigning champions City arrived in North London on Tuesday night knowing only a victory would give them a realistic chance of winning the Premier League for the fourth time in a row.

During what was a cagey affair, Erling Haaland scored two important goals as Pep Guardiola’s men secured a 2-0 victory.

On the back of their win, City are now two points clear of Arsenal heading into the final match weekend of the 23/24 season.

After the match, a Spurs fan took to social media to send former Gunners star Merson a message to mock Arsenal.

The fan wrote: “That wasn't a spurs performance, played it like training ground game... well that's it Merson, your lot might not going to get a better chance then this season in winning the league.”

In response to the fan’s message, Merson hit back with: “I wouldn’t celebrate losing too hard.”

Despite City being in the driving seat, Arsenal could still get their hands on the Premier League trophy.

Mikel Arteta’s men have to win against Everton at the Emirates Stadium and hope West Ham United can take points off City.

Speaking after the win against Spurs, Guardiola said: “I like that they were so happy in the locker room but they know it’s not done.

“I didn’t see an extra celebration. They know perfectly it will be tough.”


He added: “People have to come to Etihad at 3 on Sunday knowing it will be difficult. They have to come with their families and bring the energy, win every inch and metre and deserve to win that game.

“All we have to do is win that game. To have the chance to live that possibility we are so fortunate. I think it will be quite similar to Aston Villa in terms of emotions and difficulty. I know my players and how they handle the pressure. We have to stay in the game. We will have to try to do it.”

Featured Image Credit: Sky Sports/Getty

Topics: Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal, Manchester City, Football, Premier League, Paul Merson, Fan Reactions